JL MAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 04-09~04-13
Week 15, 2018
1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News
本周稀土市场行情镨钕,镝铁和铽价格与上周基本一致,价格保持平稳。亚洲金属网价格: 镨钕金属价格435-445元/KG (13日上海有色,440-445元/KG),镝铁合金价格1190-1220元/KG (13日上海有色,1200-1220元/KG),金属铽价格4180-4230元/KG (13日上海有色,4150-4250元/KG)。
This week, prices of PrNd, DyFe and Tb in the rare earth market are similar as last week and keep stable. Price from Asian Metal at this weekend presented: PrNd metal 435-445RMB/KG (price from SMM on Apr. 13th presented: 440-445RMB/KG), DyFe 1190-1220 RMB/KG (price from SMM on Apr. 13th presented: 1200-1220 RMB/KG) and Tb Metal 4180-4230 RMB/KG (price from SMM on Apr 13th presented: 4150-4250 RMB/KG).
2. 业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders
The market overall is in a wait-and-see attitude, while La, Ce and PrNd is still on the opposite direction, LaCe metal keeps in a bullish trend, the current quotations are almost over 40,000 ~ 41,000 RMB/ton incl. tax, which are expected to keep rising; the market of PrNd appears floundering, some shipper are active in delivery, the quotation of PrNd metal is 44,0000 ~ 45,0000 RMB/ton incl. tax.(Ma Lei, FuBao Information)
3. 趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)
April 13th, 2018
Notes: the information above is for reference only!